Monday, November 10, 2008


I started my search looking for videos on goal setting. Teachertube had limited videos to share, but I did find one that was interesting. Many of my students experience confusion when you ask the difference between short and long term goals. Others aren't quite sure what you mean by goals. This video explains the terminology and what they need to think about when setting goals.

I would love to be a talented photographer. In my mind's eye, I can see the shot, but I just don't have the knowledge to use it the way it would photograph best. I've never taken a class. Blame it on procrastination, putting kids through college, or just plain "no time", but I do want to get into photography in the near future. Imagine the things we see, and in a moment they're gone, never to be seen again. Then imagine capturing that moment on film. What an awesome thing to do.
I found a "beginners" guide to photography and decided the best play to learn is start from the beginning.

As I scanned through utube, I ran across another issue that is inconceivable to me as an educator, a mom, a human being. That issue is school violence. There are many history-making events I have witnessed in my life, and during most of them, I can tell you where I was and what I was doing at the time. When President Kennedy was shot, I was standing on the street watching the end of his car as he passed me, and the others, waiting to get a glimpse of him. I was a child at the time, but I still know the feeling that washed over me when he was shot within moments of me seeing him and the First Lady wave in my direction.
I remember sitting in a team meeting at school when I witnessed the Twin Towers hit on 9/11. I remember my emotions go from "what a tragic accident" to "anger" and then to "deep sadness".
I remember watching CNN when Columbine was invaded. I remember feeling shock, sadness, and disbelief.
Every one of these things had an impact on me, but the latter of the three scares me to death. The violence in schools today was unheard of when I attended school, and I wish, for once, history would revert to that time period, at least in reference to school violence.


Debbie said...

The school violence video gave me chills. It's easy to put it out of our minds until something like this slaps us in the face again.

Mrs. M said...

I loved the photography video.