Sunday, November 30, 2008


I continued my explorations through Ning and found a few more goodies. One of the items was several word games, which would be a fun way to expand our students vocabulary. We're always looking for ways to broaden our knowledge, as lifelong learners, why not spend time broadening our vocabulary to share that new-found knowledge.
After a bit more "browsing", I ran across this item. I know it may sound a bit "elementary", but I really liked the idea. We, as teachers, very rarely receive an "atta-boy", so this actually caught my eye. I know of a few teachers I'd like to say: " are doing such a great job. The kids are so lucky to have a teacher like you!!"
Finally, I must admit I had to force myself to stop browsing and finish this assignment, so my final step in Thing #23 was to add a slideshow and a badge from the 2.0 site on ning. And with this complete....I'm back to ning to look around a bit more!!!

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