Monday, October 27, 2008

Thing #10

Copyright laws have always confused me.  Even with videos you buy.  If you've paid for them, why can't you view them in your classroom?  If you can look up pictures that are visible to anyone that has a computer, why can't you use the picture on a power point? If it's on the world-wide web, why is it not accessible to anyone that sees it?  
Its difficult to tell a student he/she can't use something in a project and put it on the web, when all they had to do is drag it from the site and save it to the desktop.  
Its good to know about Creative Commons.  Now we have some sort of guidelines on what they can use legally.  Its still confusing, but at least there is a safe way to access some materials.  Now we just need to be able to "filter" the sites that are CC. 


Debbie said...

It is hard to understand copyright from an education standpoint since we just want to use things to teach.I guess we have to walk in the copyright holders shoes to understand what we are taking from them.

Gail Gaymer Martin said...

Hi from Gail -- I answered your question about my career on my blog Gail's Thoughts at It doesn't fit on my writing blog as a topic. The date of the entry is Oct. 29.

Gail Gaymer Martin
Writing Fiction Right